The Importer : Scene detection settings for Capture Video
Scene detection settings for Capture Video
The options provided for both DV / HDV and analog import include access to this window for configuring scene detection preferences.
Automatic scene detection is a key feature of Studio when working with DV and HDV sources. As video capture proceeds, Studio detects natural breaks in the video and divides it up into scenes.
Scenes can be independently viewed and managed in the Scenes view in the Library.
Depending on which capture device you are using, automatic scene detection is carried out either in real time during capture, or as a separate step immediately after capture is completed.
* To choose scene detection settings
1 From the Import tab, click Capture Video.
2 In the Scene detection area, click ON if you want to use scene detection.
3 Click the arrow to the left of Scene detection to expand the settings area, and choose one of the following options:
Automatic based on shooting time and date: This option is available only when you are capturing from a DV source. Studio monitors the time stamp data on the tape during capture, and starts a new scene whenever a discontinuity is found.
Automatic based on content: Studio detects changes in the video content, and creates a new scene wherever there is a large change in the images. This feature might not work well if the lighting is not stable. To take an extreme example, a video shot in a nightclub with a strobe light would produce a scene each time the strobe flashed.
Automatic every X seconds: Studio creates new scenes at an interval you choose. This can be useful for breaking up footage that contains long continuous shots.
Manually, by pressing spacebar: Select this option if you want to monitor the entire capture process and decide for yourself where scene breaks should occur. Press the Space key each time you want to insert a scene break during capture.