Using Pinnacle Studio : The Import tab
The Import tab
Import is a preparatory step. It involves procedures like ‘capturing’ video from your video camera, bringing in photos from a digital camera, and copying media files to your local hard drive from a network location.
The Pinnacle Studio Importer provides tools for these tasks, along with a Snapshot feature for grabbing frames from video files, and a Stop motion tool for building up video frame-by-frame. See The Importer for details.
File menu import commands: Choosing Import from the file menu has the same effect as clicking the Import tab: it opens the Importer. The menu provides other import-related choices as well. Each of these opens a Windows file dialog to permit import of files from a hard drive or other local storage.
Import previous Pinnacle Studio Projects lets you load movie projects created with earlier versions of Studio.
Import Studio for iPad App Projects lets you bring in projects exported from Studio’s companion app for the iPad.
Studio Importer