Recording your screen
Before taking the actual screen capture, make sure to configure the settings of the video first.
To configure your video
1 In the Settings window, specify the following details:
• Project Name — Enter a name for your project. This will be used in the video filenames.
• Save To — Lets you specify the location where you want to save the video file.
Note: Screen captures are saved to your Documents folder (
...Documents/Pinnacle Studio Screen Capture/23.0) by default. Click

to add a new folder and change the location where the file is saved.
• Save As — Enable the Video Files check box, the Pinnacle Studio Project check box, or both.
To record your screen capture
1 In the Source window, choose the settings your want on the Settings tab.
2 In the Settings window click Start / Resume Recording to start the screen capture.
All activities inside the specified capture area are recorded. Screen capture starts after the countdown.
Note: You can press F10 to stop and F11 to pause or resume the screen capture.
3 In the Settings window Stop Recording to finish your screen capture.
Note: Note: The screen capture is added to the custom folder that you have specified and you can add it to the Pinnacle Studio Library.