Customizing the browser
Several controls allow you to configure the file browser appropriately for your display hardware and requirements.
Close the folder tree: To maximize the space for viewing files, click the left-pointing double-arrow icon

at the top of the folder tree scroll bar. This collapses the folder tree to a vertical bar down the left-hand side. At the top of the bar is the right-pointing double- arrow that will reopen the tree. The name of the current folder is also shown.
Filter the file list: Another way to optimize your use of the file area is to limit the files shown to include only one asset type. This is the function of the asset filter dropdown at the bottom left of the browser. By default, all supported media file and project file types appear in the browser, but you can limit the view to picture files, audio files, video files or project files by your selection here. To see exactly which file types are included in a selection, hover on the item for a second or two to pop up the list.
Hovering over the Audio files option brings up a list of file types from which audio import is supported.
Zoom slider: A final tool for managing screen real estate is the zoom slider at the bottom right of the browser. Move the slider leftwards to reduce, or rightwards to increase, the size of the preview images in the file browser.
Full-screen photo: To preview a selected photo on the full monitor screen, click the
Full Screen button

Set preview volume: To set the playback volume of audio and video clips for previewing, hover the mouse pointer in the area of the audio/mute button in the bottom bar of the file browser. A volume slider will appear beside the button. Drag the knob up and down to control the volume. Click the audio/mute button itself to toggle audio muting.